Monday, December 16, 2013

                                                              Legalization of Marijuana

When you think of marijuana you think of Bob Marley or some college kids partying. Let me tell you first off I do not smoke and never plan on it, but legalizing the countries most harmful drug ( according to the united states) could benefit the the entire country. First just think about how many people are in prison right now due to the selling, production , and smoking of the drug. Call a libertarian if you want but listen here, who the hell is the government to decide what we but in our lungs. I personally like to compare it to religion, the government absolutely loves staying OUT of church affairs or pretty much anything to do with the church. But when it comes to what we like to do or how we go about doing things they have to micromanage it all. Every year we spend about 50 million dollars in the process of capturing the people who sell , manufacture, smoke the drug but hey if we legalize it we could redistribute that money to way more important things like maybe even REDUCING OUR DEBT. The legalization would also create a whole new job force and in turn drastically create jobs and improve our economy. You could make the argument that maybe legalizing the drug will take away jobs from the law enforcement that try to catch them. What i have to say to that argument is that you're completely wrong the law enforcement can go catch some rapists and murders instead of people smoking, selling, and manufacturing the drug.ALSO since our government as proven to be insanely greedy (our nations debt is a prime example) they could even tax the drug and make money off of it. We do the same with tobacco and alcohol. Lastly i would like to point out i am nit to sure about  the term "Medicinal Marijuana" but what i do want to say is it is very hard as a scientist to study a illegal drug in hopes of extracting elements of it to help children and adults with epilepsy. Thats why the drug needs to be legalized.

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