Monday, December 16, 2013

High Class Greedy unappreciative America

As shown in the picture to the right Americas wealth is mostly distributed among the top 10%. Many people see this as a huge problem and we need to tax tax tax and tax the rich a ton more than we do the middle and lower class. But here is the catch, AMERICA WAKE UP THE GOVERNMENT CALLED THEY WANT THEIR GREED BACK. Like really  Americans have no idea how high our standard of "poor" is. Right now the most up to date statistic is the average american home is bringing in 50,000 american dollars a year home to their family. the poverty line is 23,000 for a family of four. While in China the average family of four makes 9,000 dollars a year.Oh and in America we love to give you other people money because you don't have any! AND theirs more you'll get healthcare, free schooling, cloths, food, and maybe even a cell phone!SO America wake up from nap time rub your eyes open them up and take a look at how greedy we are. My opinion on the taxation is that their shouldn't be taxes, i mean look in the constitution and any other documents i never found anything that said were required to pay taxes? The government needs to stay out of the majority of our day to day lives and carry out the simple functions we need it to do.

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