Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Democracy Update

Well, right now in America Democracy is running somewhat efficiently. Except for the fact the government isn't for the people and that the people we elect and truthful. For instance gun control, 86% of America wants bans and restrictions on assault rifles but our elected officials wont vote to pass any kind of bans… maybe because the NRA gives them money. It also is not really fare the so called "patriot act" was passed by congress in the middle of the night right after 9/11 when we were all "scared." I promise you not every single congress member even opened the bill. I admire George Washington for many reasons but one reason is he said these words "political parties will ruin government" and he was right on the money. What ever happened to people voting for what they believe is the right thing to do or maybe even for the people like we elected them to do. Now for instance democrats believe that abortion should be legalized for various reasons, but republicans think it should be made illegal for their various reasons. Now how is someone who was elected as a democrat is not going to vote against making abortion illegal because he ran as a democrat? Maybe some people voted for him because of that, you really don't know. Who payed for the persons campaign to be a senator? GUESS WHO the political party they chose. So who do you think is making these decisions the senator or the political parties and their views? This is why America need to abolish political parties and have senators run independently and get campaign money from a trustee fund created by the government, the money in that trust fund is the only money they get to use to campaign. This would in turn eliminate corruption and make the senators vote for the people instead of voting for their party. you decide for yourself

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